What is a hazard
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Hazards in the Workplace: Understanding Risks and Control Measures
A hazard presents a potential risk of harm, such as accidents or injuries, within the workplace.
Examples of Hazards and Potential Injuries
- Cutting Machine: Potential for minor cuts requiring a plaster or serious cuts/amputations if hands get caught.
- Temperature: Heat stress, sunburn, hypothermia, etc.
- Ventilation & Humidity: Headaches, nausea, dry/itchy eyes.
- Manual Handling: Back injuries, hernia, musculoskeletal disorders.
- Work with Display Screen Equipment (DSE): Eyestrain, headaches, occupational stress.
- Tripping and Slipping: Various injuries depending on fall circumstances.
- Work at Heights: Falls, suspension trauma, falling objects.
- Obstructions: Striking, tripping, blocking escape routes.
- Poor Stacking or Storage: Falling materials, back injuries.
- Repetitive Movements: Musculoskeletal disorders.
- Fire and Explosion: Burns, smoke inhalation, exposure to hazardous substances.
- Hazardous Chemical Substances: Acute and chronic health effects, allergies.
Identifying Risk Factors and Control Measures
Understanding hazards enables us to determine associated risks and implement control measures to mitigate or eliminate them.
Environmental Impact
Hazards within the workplace not only pose risks to individuals but can also harm the environment. Examples include chemical spills contaminating rivers or dust emissions from factories.
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