Healthcare Health and Safety Level 2 (VTQ)

57 videos, 2 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Verbal and non-verbal communication skills

Video 43 of 57
2 min 13 sec

Understanding Conflict and Effective Communication

1. Defining Conflict

Conflict Defined

Before addressing conflict resolution, it's essential to grasp the concept of conflict. The dictionary defines conflict as a state of disagreement, struggle, incompatibility, or even a fight. Both verbal and non-verbal communication play pivotal roles in understanding and managing conflicts.

2. The Power of Communication

Communication in Conflict

Effective communication is at the heart of conflict resolution. Research, dating back to 1971, attempted to quantify the components of communication and their influence on conflict situations. Delegates shared their perspectives on the percentage impact of words, tone, and non-verbal communication skills. The findings revealed:

  • Words (7%): While words are essential, they only make up a small part of communication's impact on conflicts.
  • Tone (38%): The tone of your communication carries significant weight, affecting the way a message is received.
  • Non-Verbal Communication (55%): Non-verbal cues, including body language and gestures, play the most substantial role in influencing conflict outcomes.

Effective communication skills are essential for conflict prevention and resolution. Conflict is less likely to arise when individuals are adept at maintaining good communication. These skills can be learned and honed through practice.

3. The Role of Positive Behaviour

Behaviour and Conflict Prevention

Your attitude and behaviour directly impact the dynamics of conflict. Maintaining a positive demeanour and controlling negative emotions are key to preventing conflicts from escalating. Approach others with a friendly tone, speak calmly, and let your body language reflect your sincere intention to help. By doing so, conflicts can often be defused before they escalate into major problems.