Healthcare Health and Safety Level 2 (VTQ)

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Patient Complaints

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3 min 9 sec
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NHS Complaints Procedure: Your Rights and Steps to Follow

Understanding the NHS Complaints Procedure

While most medical care and treatments proceed smoothly, there are times when things go wrong, and patients may wish to make a complaint. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Accessing Complaints Information: Every NHS organisation has a complaints procedure. To learn about it:
    • Ask a member of staff.
    • Visit the hospital or trust's website.
    • Contact the complaints department directly.
  • Importance of Feedback: Patients can also provide positive comments about their care and services received, which are valuable for improving NHS practices.
  • Rights as a Patient: If unhappy with care or treatment:
    • Have the right to complain.
    • Complaint to be investigated fully and promptly.
    • Receive a full explanation of the investigation’s outcome.
    • Refer complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman if not satisfied.
    • Make a claim for judicial review if affected by an unlawful NHS decision.
    • Receive compensation if harmed.
  • Complaint Process: Patients can complain directly to the service provider or their local primary care trust (PCT).
  • Timeframe for Complaints: Ideally, complaints should be made within 12 months of the event or as soon as the matter becomes known. Extensions may be possible under certain circumstances.
  • NHS Complaints Process: Since April 2009, the NHS has a two-stage complaints process:
    • Local resolution: Raise the issue with the practitioner or complaints manager.
    • Independent review: Refer unresolved matters to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

This structured approach ensures that patient concerns are addressed effectively and transparently within the NHS.