Health and Safety in the Workplace Level 2 (VTQ)

75 videos, 3 hours and 24 minutes

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Musculoskeletal statistics

Video 19 of 75
2 min 6 sec
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Insights into Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: HSE Report 2022-2023

The HSE's latest report offers valuable insights into the prevalence and impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the UK workplace.

Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders

Key findings include:

  • 473,000 workers suffering from musculoskeletal disorders, both new and long-standing.
  • 132,000 new cases reported, indicating ongoing emergence of these health issues in work environments.

Impact on Productivity

The disorders resulted in:

  • 6.6 million working days lost, demonstrating a significant impact on individual health and the economy.

Comparison with Pre-Pandemic Data

Current rates of musculoskeletal disorders are similar to the pre-coronavirus level of 2018/19, despite a previous downward trend.

Industry-Specific Rates

Industries with higher-than-average rates include:

  • Human health/social work
  • Construction
  • Administrative and support service activities

Breakdown of Affected Body Parts

The distribution of disorders across different body parts:

  • Back-related issues: 41%
  • Upper limbs or neck: 41%
  • Lower limbs: 17%

Long-Term Perspective

The report includes a graph showing trends from 2001/02 to 2022/23, offering a long-term view of these disorders.


The HSE report emphasizes the importance of addressing musculoskeletal health in workplaces to enhance worker well-being and industry productivity.