Health and Safety in the Workplace Level 2 (VTQ)

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Forklift safety in the workplace

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5 min 21 sec
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Understanding Forklift Safety in the Workplace

Types of Forklift Trucks

Forklift trucks are essential in many workplaces. They come in various forms, including three-wheeled and four-wheeled forklift trucks, telescopic loaders, all-wheel drive models, and motorized pallet forklifts. These vehicles are designed to transport heavy loads over short distances and can lift pallets to various heights.

Operational Approval and Training

It is crucial to note that only personnel approved by the employer are permitted to operate forklift trucks. This approval often requires completing specific workplace tests and training courses on forklift operation. Prior experience with forklifts in a different employment does not automatically qualify an individual to operate them in a new workplace.

Forklift Varieties and Their Risks

Forklifts can be powered differently - electric, diesel, or gas. Each type presents unique risks, such as spill risks with diesel and fire hazards with gas-powered trucks. Electric trucks are charged using a transformer, which requires careful handling to avoid electrical hazards.

Reducing Trip Hazards

To minimize trip hazards, forklift tines should always be lowered to the ground when the vehicle is not in use. If a forklift is found with its tines raised, it should be reported immediately for rectification.

Safety Around Forklifts

When in proximity to a forklift, it is essential to maintain a safe distance and wear the recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as steel-toe shoes, vests, hard hats, and eye protection. Forklifts often feature safety lights and horns to alert nearby personnel, enhancing safety in their operation area.

Interacting with Forklift Operators

Always ensure the forklift operator is aware of your presence before approaching. Distractions can lead to accidents, especially when operators are handling high or complex loads.

Workplace Policies and Procedures

Understanding and adhering to workplace policies and procedures regarding forklift operation is vital for safety. This includes knowing the process for requesting load movement and ensuring the load is secured before and during transportation.

Key Safety Considerations

Always store forklift keys securely, and only authorized personnel should have access to them. Be aware of signage indicating forklift operation areas and stay within designated pedestrian zones. Also, be mindful of the potential presence of robotic forklifts in some workplaces.