Healthcare Health and Safety Level 2 (VTQ)

57 videos, 2 hours and 32 minutes

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Hot Water and Hot Surfaces

Video 13 of 57
1 min 55 sec
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Preventing Scalds and Burns in Care Homes

Risk Factors and Assessment

Understanding the risks associated with scalds and burns in care home residents.

  • High Risk Individuals: Residents with reduced mental capacity or slower reactions are vulnerable.
  • Assessment: Conduct thorough assessments to evaluate residents' ability to detect and prevent scald or burn hazards.
  • Care Plans: Document assessment findings in individual care plans to implement necessary precautions.

Common Causes and Precautions

Identifying and mitigating common sources of scalds and burns in care home environments.

  • Scalding Hazards: Hot baths, excessively hot drinks, and contact with radiators and kitchen appliances.
  • Temperature Control: Use thermometers to ensure safe water temperatures; install thermostatic mixing valves to prevent scalding and Legionella risks.
  • Shower Safety: Utilise healthcare-standard electric showers and conduct regular safety checks to maintain reliability.
  • Exposure Prevention: Keep exposed surfaces, like pipes and radiators, below 43°C to prevent burns.
  • Priority Areas: Identify and promptly address exposed hot surfaces in kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms.

Implementing these measures ensures a safer environment for care home residents, reducing the risk of scalds and burns significantly.