Basic First Aid Advice
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Initial Response to Workplace Accidents: A Basic Guide
This guide provides basic information on how to respond to workplace accidents. It is not intended to train you as a first aider but to help you understand how to keep yourself safe and provide appropriate assistance until professional help arrives.
Approaching an Accident Scene Safely
- Ensure Personal Safety: Assess the scene for potential dangers. Contact the business's first aider and call emergency services if needed. Use PPE like gloves and face-shields to protect against bodily fluids.
- Communication: Maintain communication with the injured person. Even if they are unresponsive, talking can be reassuring and helps to minimize their movement, especially in cases of suspected spinal injuries.
- Check Breathing: This is crucial. Open their airway by tilting the head back. If the person is unconscious and on their back, they should be turned to their side, particularly if vomiting, to avoid choking.
- Manage Serious Bleeding: Encourage the patient to apply direct pressure to the wound and elevate it, if possible. Laying down and raising the legs can also help if the patient feels unwell.
- Treating Burns: For temperature-related burns, run the affected area under cold water for 10 minutes. In case of chemical burns, carefully remove any substances without spreading them.
- Handling Broken Bones: Do not move the patient if broken bones are suspected. Keep them calm and wait for emergency services.
Additional Considerations
While this guide covers basic responses, treat all accidents as serious until proven otherwise. Always seek help from qualified personnel and remember to preserve evidence for accident investigation, adhering to workplace policies and procedures.
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