Work place policies and procedures

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Risk Assessments and Safety Policies in the Workplace

Every company is responsible for conducting its own risk assessments and determining safe practices. This means practices from a previous job may not be applicable in a new company.

Workplace Policies and Procedures

Policies define how a business approaches various situations, while procedures outline how specific tasks are performed. These are unique to each workplace and reflect their individual risk assessments.

Variations in Company Policies

Different companies have distinct policies. For instance, some may prohibit the use of mobile phones on stairs or mandate handrail contact when ascending and descending stairs, while others may not have such restrictions.

Example: Parking Policies

Some businesses require employees to reverse into parking spaces. This practice, particularly useful when leaving work tired or at night, minimises the risk of accidents due to reduced task load and better visibility.

Personal Safety at Work

It's important to be open-minded and observant at work:

  • Look out for potential hazards.
  • Read and understand risk assessments, policies, procedures, and warning signs.
  • Ask questions if anything is unclear.

Creating a Safety Culture

Being vigilant and conducting mini risk assessments for new tasks is key. Health and Safety training is about awareness and risk minimisation. If you notice unsafe practices, bring them up to foster a culture of safety in your workplace.