Workstation - DSE and VDU Safety

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Creating an Efficient and Healthy Office Workstation

An overview of how to set up a workstation in an office environment to maximise comfort and efficiency, reducing the risk of strain and injury.

Desk Organisation and Equipment Placement

Keep your desk tidy and ensure all necessary equipment is within easy reach. This includes positioning keyboards and mice to avoid leaning and straining.

Ergonomic Considerations

  • Keyboard and mouse should be close to prevent stretching.
  • Use wrist supports for stability.
  • Maintain an upright position to avoid leaning forward.

Workstation Layout for Efficiency

Plan your workstation layout to reduce unnecessary movements, such as twisting to answer phones or view multiple monitors.

Monitor and Laptop Positioning

Align your eyes with the top of the monitor screen and adjust the height if necessary. Use laptop stands to elevate screens and reduce neck strain.

Using Alternative Devices

Include devices like trackpads within your working area for easy access. Adjust your layout to accommodate different devices as needed.

Screen Resolution and Text Size

Adjust the screen resolution and text size to reduce eye strain. Choose the settings that best fit the nature of your work.

Chair and Posture Adjustments

Ensure your chair supports your back, doesn't pressure the underside of your thighs, and allows feet to rest flat on the floor.

Maintaining a Healthy Work Environment

  • Regularly review and adjust your workstation setup.
  • Keep the area clutter-free.
  • Take breaks to rest and move around.

Address any discomfort by reassessing your workstation setup and taking regular breaks from prolonged computer use.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Remote Working LO 1.2.1